Dreams and Things

Dreams can be so easily influenced, they can be swayed and suggested and constructed by a hundred factors. Take for instance the time that I fell asleep watching Sponge Bob Square Pants which, during my nap, had changed to iCarly. Unfortunately, the entire cast of iCarly appeared uninvited into my dreams. It was an odd experience to say the least. And today after spending hours packing and cleaning I decided to take a nap with Food Network in the background. Clearly I was exhausted because how else can one fall asleep with Guy Fieri blabbing in the background? Anyway, I dreamt that I was visiting various eateries and that Tiger's paw was on the menu...which is odd, needless to say. But the reason I'm going on this ridiculous tangent (aside from the fact that I've had way too much sugar) is because my dreams have really started to tick me off. Oh how I would love to have more control over my closed third eye. Oh well, I'm sure it's nothing that years of the...