Cell Phones in School
(Photo: Michael Schennum, The Arizona Republic) I was hot stuff in high school. I had a raspberry red RAZR flip phone that I could use to call my mom if I needed to. Did I know what texting was? Of course not, and neither did my classmates. We were in ninth grade, and back then, if you got caught with your cell phone, it got taken up. One day my mom was trying to call me while I was at lunch, but she miscalculated my schedule and called me during the last three minutes of English. My horrendously evil English teacher proceeded to take my phone and give it to the front office. It was a Friday, right before spring break, and to get it back, my mom would have to come down to the school and pay $15. Luckily I have the best mom ever, and I wouldn't have to go through spring break without my phone. These days, I actually work at the school I went to 9th grade at, and things have changed drastically - not just at that school, but throughout the district. Now, 6th grade and up...