Adieu 2015

Oh what a year it's been. Rather than summing it up in poetic verse, I simply offer these gifs as a representation of my experience of 2015. Much has transpired in these months. Some of it good. Some of it bad. But there is always entertainment to be found. Such as Donald Trump running for president or Steve Harvey totally screwing up the most important pageant ever. Oh and you can't forget that Texas' open carry law has passed. I'm sure we'll all be just fine though... People be goin' to Walmart like... We said goodbye to The Soup. And hello ( ) to the beautiful reality that the X-Files and Twin Peaks will be returning. Bonus Duchovny Crossover Photo Justin Bieber won't go away, he just keeps saying he's sorry. Adele set fire to the rain and her album selling record. Unfortunately for the human populous, Kim and Kanye reproduced again. People got steamed over Starbucks cups. The oil business tanked. And of...