If you love thrill, suspense, romance and completely destroying yourself, then you really have to watch (hulu) or read 11.22.63 by Stephen King. First Mr. King destroyed me emotionally with The Dead Zone - one of my favorite books. But that wasn't enough, nope, he just had to rip me to shreds with this masterpiece of a story that left me sobbing like a newborn. I became so enthralled with the hulu series that I purchased the book. To my dismay, the book is 900 pages and I did not have the patience to get all the way through it before succumbing to my desire to finish the hulu series. So reluctantly, tonight I pressed play on the final two episodes of the show. And just as I knew it would be, the last two episodes were the perfect ending to the thrilling story of one man's journey to try and stop the JFK assassination. I don't want to spoil anything if you're interested in the story so I will only say that James Franco's portrayal of Jake Epping was perfectly m...