
The search for my puppy has ended. I got my little nugget at just six weeks old and named him Parker. He is a Schnoodle (Schnauzer/Poodle) who is more Poodle than Schnauzer. I was lucky to find him here in the Houston area at a reasonable price. It's funny because I initially searched for Poodles and Schnauzers and I got a little of both. The reason I wanted those breeds are because the miniatures are small and both are hypoallergenic (since I'm allergic to dogs :( The woman I got him from had a boy Poodle and girl Schnoodle that mated and had a litter of six. I thought boys were more chill, so I got a boy. He is absolutely adorable but needs SOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOooooo much training. I'm attempting to potty train him. I use the word "attempting" because there are still plenty of accidents. He is also play biting, which is no bueno. So if you have any training tips at all, please share, haha. It's going to be quite a summer for me...moving into a new pl...