1960 or 2016?

This summer I have spent my time working with students to improve their SAT scores, specifically, their essay scores. We read source texts, articles written by scientists, activists, visionaries, historians and just typical writers. Some of the most interesting source texts to analyze are those speeches or addresses given to our nation in times of crisis. Speakers we've focused on include Lyndon B. Johnson, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X and William Faulkner. Each of their speeches is different, each of their topics is different, each of their time periods contains different difficulties - but each speech is meant to inspire. These days, I feel like our country desperately needs that inspiration and those words of wisdom, because nothing is more dangerous than slipping into the depths of chaos, anger and violence. It's hard to believe that these recent violent atrocities are taking place in 2016, a year that more closely resembles 1964. Has our so...