Somebody Save Me

How did infertility and PCOS become my entire life? That's the question I'm asking today as yet, one more of my many friends announces that they are pregnant. At this point, I could build a nice little doll house out of all the negative pregnancy sticks I've ever used. And it has gotten quite old - seeing literally everyone - post about how they're pregnant, or what the gender is, or are on their third kid, or posting pics of their kid's birthday party or nursery or whatever. When you yourself are wondering if you'll ever - ever be pregnant - if you'll ever get to experience that joy...seeing all that online is like getting a cut. Here's one big cut for that last negative test, add it to the fifteen others. Here's a little cut from Instagram, and another one from Facebook. Oh, and Pinterest would like to suggest baby products for you. You walk through your own house, staring at the room you'd thought would be a nursery by now - and it is...