Prodigal Son Analysis through my Mental Health Lens

Prodigal Son is a fantastic show. One of the reasons I got so drawn into it is because I can relate to Malcolm. I have PTSD, night terrors, panic short - trauma. Malcolm’s trauma, and how he deals with it, plays a significant role in the show and the writer’s have done a great job exploring this, but there’s always room to explore further. For as much as I have in common with the character of Malcolm, I have just as many differences. I’m not pretty, I’m not rich, I don’t have medication that works for me, and my father’s not a serial killer. I’m average looking on a good day, totally broke, allergic to the majority of SSRI’s and my dad’s a geologist. Writing all of that down... I realize that only the last point works in my favor. My own personal drabbles aside, there’s a lot that I’ve experienced that I’m sure the show could explore as well. For one, finding the right medication can be a slow, terrifying and tedious process. There ca...