I should be freaking out, but am I? Nope. I don’t know what it is about this year but my attitude in general has gone from wound ten notches too tight to not really being bothered about the things that most people would have a coronary over. But instead of looking at the various things I have to be freaked out about…I decided to go get frozen yogurt. I think spring break messed me up even more. I have no fire left really. My thoughts are drunk off the notion of summer and in the distance I can catch a glimpse of graduation. “Just one more year,” is the only phrase that keeps scrolling across my mind like a broken stock ticker. So instead of freaking out about what I have to do, or what’s going on I’m chilling here at my laptop, listening to some old school rap and writing this. I’m not much of one to procrastinate, so I would say that this is very out of character for me. But if you saw my options you’d understand. My options are these…finish my rather large paper that’s due to...