College Memories Recap

What's one of your best memories involving your friends? First week of Junior year, we had just moved into our apartment and my three new roommates and I didn't know each other very well. Someone (Jessica) popped in the terrible 80s movie Revenge of the Killer Clowns and we laughed and ate popcorn and bonded for the first time. What was your favorite class? Well...I might have to say painting. I learned so much and those are skills that I can take with me forever. I also loved those professors; a hippie and a sweet southerner. I understood that class, it understood me, I always looked forward to going, and it was relaxing. What was your least favorite class? Boy, it might be a toss up between 3D Design and World Geography. 3D Design was labor intensive, my professor was...a trip...and I could never seem to succeed in that class. World Geo was incredibly labor intensive, was a 3 hour Thursday night class and every time I left I was partially convinced that the w...