College Memories Recap
What's one of your best memories involving your friends?
First week of Junior year, we had just moved into our apartment and my three new roommates and I didn't know each other very well. Someone (Jessica) popped in the terrible 80s movie Revenge of the Killer Clowns and we laughed and ate popcorn and bonded for the first time.
What was your favorite class?
Well...I might have to say painting. I learned so much and those are skills that I can take with me forever. I also loved those professors; a hippie and a sweet southerner. I understood that class, it understood me, I always looked forward to going, and it was relaxing.
What was your least favorite class?
Boy, it might be a toss up between 3D Design and World Geography. 3D Design was labor intensive, my professor was...a trip...and I could never seem to succeed in that class. World Geo was incredibly labor intensive, was a 3 hour Thursday night class and every time I left I was partially convinced that the world was ending and that if ever I needed to navigate it, I would fail miserably.
Where did you fit in?
In my sorority HIS. Best decision I made in college was to join. I made a ton of friends, we had great events, awesome Bible Studies, I had a great "family," and it was just a great time.
What is a cool thing about your school?
Well, TCU is cool in so many ways but it's awesome that they have the fall concerts. I saw Lady Antebellum, The Fray, Ben Rector and Seryn. It was awesome to get Ben Rector to sign my ID card that proves my last name is Rector too.
OH and they showed the Superbowl (Steelers vs Cardinals (you know, the Super Bowl that we won)) in the big screening room, and they show movies for free too.
What was your cafeteria like?
Let's just say that to this day I can't enjoy an omelette.
One of the craziest things you experienced in college?
Well, one of my roommates came home with a kitten, knowing it was against the rules. I was in a pickle because I couldn't tell on her, but I knew it shouldn't be there. Also, funny story, one day I accidentally sat on it and it made the sound a tire makes when you let the air out slowly. The kitten was fine.
One of the scariest things you experienced?
Well...I got food poisoning and spent a couple days in the hospital. Who knew a bagel could be so dangerous?
Were you ever slighted by the admin?
Well, for a short time I was briefly homeless. Housing totally screwed up my living situation and I was briefly left without roommates for the next year. They fixed it before the next semester started. That next year was very interesting...
What was hot/in style at the time?
Nike shorts, neon shoes, anything Apple, neon shades, sorority/frat oversized tees. It was a bright four years.
What did your diet consist of?
Coffee, protein bars, oatmeal, Easy Mac, cereal, cereal, cereal, microwaved dinners, waffles, bagels and string cheese. Did I say cereal?
Favorite place to hang out?
Starbucks and Barnes and Nobles. I would load up on empty espresso calories and then go spend too much money on books and magazines. AND McKinley's bakery where more pointless calories were consumed. They have the bessstttt cookies and desserts, and I would stand in line with the lunch crowd just to buy a cookie.
What would you do over?
Well, one day I was all dressed up for a class presentation and I walked into the B&N on campus for a cup of joe. The lady asked if I was a professor and therefore would receive the professor's discount at the B&N Starbucks. I said no. That was dumb. I should have said yes.
What's one amazing thing you did in college?
I managed to NEVER pull an all-nighter. So it's more about the amazing thing I DIDN'T do. BOO-YAH
What great things did you accomplish?
Aside from never having to pull an all-nighter...I worked at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, I wrote a story for the Skiff, was their Cartoonist of the Year for two years, was on the SNAP Advertising Team for Nissan, I helped produce eleven40seven (poetry journal), I mainted this awesome blog, learned how to build websites and make apps, I drove home by myself multiple times (4.5 hours each way), I was in HIS and a lot of other groups, and I learned that my hair looks awesome straight.
Anything else?
Yes...(please picture me in an evening gown) I would like to thank my parents for making it all possible. I would like to thank my wonderful friends and talented professors and last but certainly not least...I would like to thank my Hulu Plus subscription for LITERALLY getting me through college.
Anything else?
Yes...(please picture me in an evening gown) I would like to thank my parents for making it all possible. I would like to thank my wonderful friends and talented professors and last but certainly not least...I would like to thank my Hulu Plus subscription for LITERALLY getting me through college.
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