My parent's day lasted from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. A long drive in the dark, hours and hours and hours of waiting and treatments and a long drive home during rush hour. For them it was just another trek to MD Anderson. Another day lost trying to attain more days. I'm just so frustrated. Cancer is not something anyone should experience but the fact that it's terminal cancer makes it that much more unbearable. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. There aren't masses of people wearing orange and having fundraisers for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. No specials on TV like there are for breast conversation about it. And yet it is a disease that has no solution. You can't cut out your's not a's every cell in your body. I don't understand how we are a society who reinvents electronics every two months, a society that can land on the moon and build engineering feats; and yet we can't cure cancer. And if we could do you t...