A Commentary on Kids and Technology

These days technology is everywhere. There is scarcely a moment where you yourself aren't looking at a computer screen or a phone screen or a TV screen. Unfortunately we've become a society that has come to expect constant entertainment.

So naturally we as a society are passing down this over stimulation to our kids. Whenever I'm at the mall, or Starbucks, or a public place I will most likely see tiny tots with technology. Mommy and Daddy have started pacifying their kids with their technological devices- iPods, iPads, iPhones, smartphones or laptops. 

There are thousands upon thousands of apps in the app store for children, and everyday technological giants are formulating ways to not only create a technological addiction for you, but for your kids as well. 

Being in advertising I can easily see through the ploys that convince you that you need a specific device  but not for you, for the "enrichment" of your child. You would do anything for your child right?

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with letting kids experience technology, in fact they ought to be familiar with devices so that when they start going to school they are up to speed. However, does anybody let their kids be bored these days?

A healthy dose of boredom is actually good for kids. Overstimulation leads to a constant desire for overstimulation and when that child is staring at the wall in school, bored to death, they won't be able to cope because they are used to being constantly entertained. But hey, I bet some ADD medication will take care of it right?

It seems that gone are the days of a child needing to have ingenuity and come up with a way to entertain themselves. 

What's going to happen when these kids grow up and get a job and realize that very little in life is entertaining? Not only are today's kids addicted to technology but to entertainment as well; what are they going to do when patience is required and overstimulation is unavailable? 

Kids need to be bored. Kids need to come up with their own way of playing with physical objects (that don't have power switches). 

Parents want to give their kids everything. But by giving their kids too much technological stimulation, I think parents are setting their kids up for failure in the future. If they re-re-made Willy Wonka, the gluttony that can be seen in Agustus Gloop would be in the form of electronic devices. 

Your five year old should not have their own iPad, your eight year old shouldn't have a texting addiction and your teenager should get outside once in a while. 

The source could not be found for this photo which is widely reproduced on the web


  1. Love the photo, hahaha

  2. Isn't there already a kid in Willy Wonka addicted to technology? Mike TV?

  3. Yes...yes there is. Thank you for reminding me.


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