You Graduated...HAHA JK
I dream of college constantly. It is a recurring dream. In my dream I'm in Fort Worth being told that I have not actually graduated, but have another semester to go. If I had a quarter for every time I've had this dream...I'd have a shit ton of quarters that I'd need to take to Kroger and put in that change machine thingy. I get asked every once in a while if I miss college...and I'm not really sure of the answer. I'm kind of weird...the part I miss most is class. I miss making new friends all the time and...well...showing off in class. There I said it. I liked class, I loved it. All the reading, all the tests, all the ridiculousness that the better part of you knows you'll never use again. I mean, let's face it, do I remember any of what I learned in World Geography? Of course not! I remember that it was a three hour class on Thursday night, that I was starving every time an hour in, and that we were forced to copy pages and pages and pages of informa...