You Graduated...HAHA JK

I dream of college constantly. It is a recurring dream. In my dream I'm in Fort Worth being told that I have not actually graduated, but have another semester to go. If I had a quarter for every time I've had this dream...I'd have a shit ton of quarters that I'd need to take to Kroger and put in that change machine thingy.

I get asked every once in a while if I miss college...and I'm not really sure of the answer. I'm kind of weird...the part I miss most is class. I miss making new friends all the time and...well...showing off in class. There I said it. I liked class, I loved it. All the reading, all the tests, all the ridiculousness that the better part of you knows you'll never use again. I mean, let's face it, do I remember any of what I learned in World Geography? Of course not! I remember that it was a three hour class on Thursday night, that I was starving every time an hour in, and that we were forced to copy pages and pages and pages of information by hand for extra credit. Oh and the class average on tests was failing...every time.

Anyway, not the point. I DO remember when I found out I couldn't graduate a semester early like I thought...apparently that stuck with me. But I did graduate on time, obviously. When I look back at college I, I don't know...

College was busywork
College was, at times, meaningful information
College was great friendships and memories
College was hilariously odd and at times disturbing (mostly in the art regions)
College was a ton of information that no human being could possibly retain forever
College was where I realized I could do math (but don't ask me to do it again)
College was where I basically memorized every episode of Psych
College was where I had the best internship ever
College was where I had some great professors (and some that I wanted to throw a small scale replica of a fabric Heinz Field at others)(but in being fabric probably wouldn't hurt too much)(just never mind)
And college is over!

For that I am glad...apparently...because I keep having nightmares that I'm still there! But it wasn't even that was quite expensive though...but hey....I'm an artist and an art teacher so no financial worries here.

I just wish I could stop dreaming about it! Albeit it is better than that dream where I still live in Borger. I wake up in a cold sweat with that one. Google Image'll see what I mean.

Oh and I attached this completely non-related music video to this entry so that it can be your background music while you read this entry. Hmmm, probably should have told you that in the beginning. Oh well.


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