Eleven Things That Happen in Every Love It or List It Episode

1. Hilary and David walk through the homeowners current abode and David highlights how awful, dysfunctional and inadequate it is. He mostly makes the expression pictured below: 2. One person wants to love it, the other wants to list it! What a conundrum! 3. David shows them awful homes. Either they are too far away, or just total crap holes. 4. Hilary runs into "issues" and out of money. She freaks out at Eddie and confronts the couple with the fact that the bedroom/basement/kitchen is now off the list! 5. The unhappy couple slams Hilary and goes outside to talk about what a disaster this all is. 6. Suddenly, David finds a property that doesn't suck like a Hoover vacuum! Inevitably, the couple falls in love. 7. Hilary magically pulls through and creates a beautiful design in the existing home. There is a 35% chance that the couple will utter these words: "we should never have underestimated you Hilary!" 8. David says: "...