
Showing posts from June, 2015


It's not much to look at on the outside Infact, most people pass them up Lying on the hard ground Black and brown and gray speckled But I know what it is I pick it up I take it back And slice it open Hardly like a sharp knife through butter It groans and fractures And along a squiggly line it splits in half The inside gleams It sparkles Shining at the thought that this is the first time it has ever been seen Rolling emerald hills cascade down its walls The crystals take the shape of the forest And manifest their own tiny solid mineral biosphere  Resembling green tree tops from above A world exists within this rock And something about it makes me want to climb inside The tiny confines of this unsuspecting object Would be cozy, I'm sure Inside it would be quiet And smell of Earth Cool as glass I could get lost on its reflective slopes And traverse a landscape Never before seen, Never touched All my own

Acid Reflux

Alright so this may not be the most thrilling post ever, but if you've struggled with acid reflux, it's worth the read. And you may not even be aware that you do struggle with acid reflux! At least I wasn't aware… As a child I would often tell my parents that my throat felt "tight." It was difficult to explain, and the throat specialist they took me to as a child said I was fine. So I went on with life and tried my best to ignore this odd feeling. Sometimes my throat would feel "tighter" than others - usually after eating. And it wasn't until I was in college that my allergy doctor informed me that this feeling was likely due to acid reflux. This was really surprising to me because although I had heartburn at times, I rarely felt the searing acidic burn in my stomach/throat that most people associate with acid reflux. After learning this, I took Nexium for a while but soon forgot all about my acid reflux issues. It wasn't until this ...

Twin Files

COULD I POSSIBLY BE MORE EXCITED? I THINK NOT. Two of my favorite shows: The X-Files and Twin Peaks are being revived. I'm not sure what my fascination with the 90s is…but I've apparently spent a lot of time watching a lot of episodes…all the episodes…of both of these fantastic shows. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will be reprising their roles as Mulder and Scully in the X-Files in 2016, and the first photo from the reboot surfaced today. Of course, nobody covered the photo release better than Buzzfeed (below). This show is every Sci-Fi'ers dream - it's full of aliens, conspiracy, shady government, a strong female lead and plenty of sexual tension. Although Anderson and Duchovny had a little falling out at some point in their friendship, they seem as close as ever and have resumed their timeless relationship. Although neither have admitted being romantically involved…we all know what's going on. They flirt mercilessly, gaze lovingly into one...

Adulting, Buzzfeed, Pinterest and Weddings

These are the three most relevant videos I have ever watched. The first video is about being an adult…something that many of my fellow peers and I are still trying to figure out how to do. This awesome video shows the struggle that is…moving back home. And the third video is about the terror that accompanies the upcoming wedding season.   Speaking of weddings. I have THE BEST wedding board on Pinterest ( ). Here's a quick preview of the awesomeness. Granted, my colors will be navy and soft pink, but my board has a broad range of colors/themes/ideas.

Ageism and Youth

Ageism is real and it doesn't just apply to the elderly. If I had a quarter for every time I was passed over or underestimated because I'm young...I'd have a lot of quarters. It doesn't matter that I'm in my mid-twenties, people still treat me like I'm fresh out of college and it's annoying. Ageism rears it's head in the workplace in a variety of ways that can range from your ideas being dismissed in meetings to being paid considerably less than the average employee. What many people fail to realize is that "the youngins" have a lot of advantages on their side. They are bright eyed, fresh, trained on the latest trends, malleable (not yet set in unmovable habits), creative and hard working. Perhaps that is why we (20-29 year olds) are pushed down by corporate America - because the higher-ups are threatened by us. After all, the young employees are the new blood who will take over some day. And in an effort to combat feelings of obsoleteness,...