Asks Answered

Some Hella Cool Asks 1: Marvel or DC? Always DC - Superman was my first love 2: Do you have any siblings? No 3: Do you watch anime subbed or dubbed? Neither. None. Thanks. 4: How old are you? None o' yo' biz. 5: What is your favorite sport? To play: golf To watch: football 6: Favorite soda/beverage? DR. PEPPER FOREVER 7: What is your favorite tv show? Of all time: JAG and/or Twin Peaks Currently: IMPASTOR and Braindead and/or The Blacklist 8: Do you marathon shows or watch a few episodes at a time? Both. Mostly marathon. 9: How often do you exercise? I walk 11,000 steps a day. 10: Do you wear makeup? How often? Yes. Everyday. 11: Favorite Disney movie? Alice in Wonderland 12: Would you rather watch a movie or a tv show? TV show...unless it's Star Trek, then both. 13: Do you have your driver’s license? Duh, yes. 14: What is your favorite animal? White Bengal Tiger 15: Captain America or Ironman Loki. 16: favorite youtuber? Jenna Marbles 17: What is you...