Asks Answered

Some Hella Cool Asks
  • 1:Marvel or DC?
    Always DC - Superman was my first love
  • 2:Do you have any siblings?
  • 3:Do you watch anime subbed or dubbed?
    Neither. None. Thanks.
  • 4:How old are you?
    None o' yo' biz.
  • 5:What is your favorite sport?
    To play: golf
    To watch: football
  • 6:Favorite soda/beverage?
  • 7:What is your favorite tv show?
    Of all time: JAG and/or Twin Peaks
    Currently: IMPASTOR and Braindead and/or The Blacklist
  • 8:Do you marathon shows or watch a few episodes at a time?
    Both. Mostly marathon.
  • 9:How often do you exercise?
    I walk 11,000 steps a day.
  • 10:Do you wear makeup? How often?
    Yes. Everyday.
  • 11:Favorite Disney movie?
    Alice in Wonderland
  • 12:Would you rather watch a movie or a tv show?
    TV show...unless it's Star Trek, then both.
  • 13:Do you have your driver’s license?
    Duh, yes.
  • 14:What is your favorite animal?
    White Bengal Tiger
  • 15:Captain America or Ironman
  • 16:favorite youtuber?
    Jenna Marbles
  • 17:What is your earliest memory?
    Daycare, laying down on the grass outside and looking up at the bright blue Denver sky. I actually told myself to remember that moment. I was about two and a half.
  • 18:Favorite video game?
    Of all time: CRASH BANDICOOT/Ace Combat
    Now: Forza Horizons
  • 19:What is your biggest pet peeve?
    People talking while there is food in their mouth. And morons.
  • 20:Dinosaurs or dragons?
    Aren't dragons a type of dinosaur? Hmm...dragons
  • 21:What is the worst injury you have ever had?
    I've gotten glass in my eye, that was bad.
  • 22:What piercings do you have/want?
  • 23:Any tattoos? if not, would you get any?
    Yes. And they didn't really hurt too bad.
  • 24:Sexual orientation?
  • 25:What was your best subject in school?
  • 26:What is your favorite book series?
    Jasper Fforde's series.
  • 27:Do you have a crush on anyone currently?
  • 28:Single or in a relationship?
    None o' yo' biz.
  • 29:What character would you most like to cosplay?
    Spock...or Mariska Hargitay
  • 30:Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  • 31:Cats or dogs?
  • 32:What is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you?
    Peeing in public.
  • 33:Tell me a story.
    Once upon a time, Liz was tired, so she went to bed. The end.
  • 34:What is the strangest thing you've ever seen someone wear?
    As a teacher, I see so many ridiculous haircuts. 
  • 35:Where in the world would you most like to travel?
  • 36:Favorite Pokemon?
    The one that looks like a purple horned frog.
  • 37:favorite color?
  • 38:Are you religious?
  • 39:Post a selfie
  • 40:Have you ever left your home country/state?
    State, yes.
  • 41:Do you prefer to travel by car or airplane?
    I prefer teleportation, but if that's not available...plane.
  • 42:Are you a fan of rollercoasters?
  • 43:What is your favorite OTP?
    OMG I ship Kirk and Spock so hard that I'm basically the captain of the ship.
  • 44:Who is your favorite Disney princess?
  • 45:Who is your favorite Disney prince?
    The Beast from Beauty and the Beast.
  • 46:Who is your favorite Disney villain?
    DEFINITELY Mother Gothel from Tangled. She's hilarious.
  • 47:Do you sing along to the radio?
  • 48:Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?
    IDK...the dragon thingy.
  • 49:Any headcanons?
    Definitely Reddington and Lizzy from the Blacklist.
  • 50:If you could have one of the Deathly Hallows (cloak of invisibility, Elder Wand, or Resurrection Stone), which would it be?
    Cloak of invisibility.
  • 51:What house would you be in Hogwarts?
    The smart one.
  • 52:When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
  • 53:Do you have any weird habits?
    Hmm...I leave a light on when I go to bed. And I touch my necklace/neck when I get nervous.
  • 54:What do you do when you're bored?
  • 55:What is the strangest thing you've seen at Walmart?
    Amish family on cell phones.
  • 56:What color are your eyes?
    They are brown. I want them to be purple.
  • 57:What is your natural hair color?
  • 58:Have you ever broken a bone? How?
    Some toes...walked into a door during a JAG marathon...trying not to miss the show so I ran to the bathroom.
  • 59:What is your favorite food?
    MAN....I love sweets. But real food...probably fish/sushi/tacos...obv I can't pick.
  • 60:What do you look for in a relationship?
    Honesty, trust, humor, compatibility
  • 61:If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?
    The garden of Eden, because...duh.
  • 62:How late do you usually stay up?
  • 63:What is your favorite website?
    Tumblr or Pinterest
  • 64:Have you been to any concerts?
  • 65: Were you involved in any extracurriculars at school?
    Newspaper in HS. Newspaper in College.
  • 66:If you could be the opposite gender for a day, what would you do?
    I would earn more money.
  • 67:What are you most proud of?
    Winning Best Ceramic Hobbyist in Houston. Being published. Being a good person.
  • 68:Do you have any big regrets?
  • 69:What was the best day of your life?
    Graduating from TCU.
  • 70:Do you crack your knuckles?
  • 71:Do you play any instruments?
  • 72:First kiss story?
    Mmm...I dated a sultry Italian guy in HS. We kissed in my driveway under a sky full of stars.
  • 73:Do you like hot or cold weather?
  • 74:What is your favorite song of all time?
    Blackmill's Lucid Truth
  • 75:Any weird talents?
    Apparently I can paint a painting using only food coloring, spices, coffee grounds, water, and icing.


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