
Oh what a week it's been so far...
Sunday night I wasn't feeling so good, I spent the evening feeling moderately miserable and looked forward to the next day.
The next day I woke up to an apocylyptic scene outside my window. The sky was green and it was raining sideways. I promptly proceeded downstairs where I would wait out a tornado watch/warning in the closet with my cat. There was definitely a point when it was hailing that I listened intently for an impending tornado to come and suck me up. Luckily though, that never transpired!
I also woke up that morning with a mosquito bite on my face that had swollen up my chin and lip...so that I looked just weird enough to look like I had a collagen job done wrong.
Also, on that same day I was headed into the dentist's office to get two cavities filled. Evidently a cavity on one tooth can spread to the enamel of the tooth next to it (resulting in two cavities)! Who knew? I certainly didn't...
The next day I was sitting on the couch and looked down at my hands for no reason. I looked at my class ring and noticed that the black enamel behind the raised design had a large chip, exposing the gold beneath. I have had my ring for approx. less than one year. This development will incur a game of shipping volleyball and what I'm sure will be copious amounts of paperwork.
Then last night I put my retainer in for the first time since the fillings and felt a sort of pop. So I went back into the dentist just to be told that what I experienced was likely a piece of left over filling goop chipping off and that my teeth were fine. However, I had left my retainer at home and they wanted to make sure that it still fit so I went BACK home, grabbed it and came back, just to discover that it fits perfectly...no adjustments necessary.
But I did learn that I need a new retainer/night guard, which my dentist can do...but my insurance won't cover.
And I missed Chelsea Lately tonight...bummer.
Overall, this week has been pretty nuts thus far. You know those days when all the little things seem to go wrong? Yeah, sometimes those days can come in pairs...or threes. It was a wild ride, but hopefully all the ridiculousness has been used up.
The photos I attached are from the "rain storm" I described earlier...
(PS I don't claim to own them, I found them on Google)
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