Nothing to LOL About

I was really surprised to learn today that one of my coworkers things that "people are making too big a deal out of texting and driving."

Everyday I'm out there on Houston roads, and let me tell you, they suck at driving! Throw a phone into the mix and FORGET ABOUT IT.

I am constantly hearing about accidents and vehicle deaths. And texting while driving is not something I take lightly.

My coworker was like..."well some people are better at it." To which I responded..."yeah, you think you're good at it, until you're not, and you find yourself on the side of the road with a totaled car."

It really scares me to think that there are naive people out there that think this isn't a big deal. It's not just a big deal, it's an epidemic! Believe it or not, humans are not good multitaskers...go Google it! And when you're driving a 4,000 lb. weapon, you sure as hell better not try to be multitasking.

Taking your eyes off the road, or your hands off the wheel, is dangerous; period. Avoid dangerous behavior = safer roads = less accidents. It's common sense people! Cut the damn umbilical cord to your devices!

Still think texting and driving is no big deal? Why do you think they're passing laws about it?

Here are some sobering statistics:
  • Texting while driving makes you 23x more likely to wreck
  • Answering a text while driving takes your attention away for atleast five seconds. That's enough time to travel the entire length of a football field
  • Texting while driving causes 1.6 million accidents per year (Natn'l Safety Council) and 330,000 injuries per year (Harvard Center for Risk Analysis)
  • According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety - Texting while driving kills an average of 11 teens each day. That's 77 young people, full of potential, dying each week
    (One response I heard was... "well...that's not that many" WTF ARE YOU KIDDING?
  • 13% of 18 - 20 year old drivers in car wrecks admitted to texting at the time of the crash
  • 46% of drivers under 18 admitted to texting while driving. Feel safe on those roads?
  • 30% of drivers 18-64 admitted to driving while texting
  • Texting while driving makes you SIX TIMES MORE LIKELY to cause an accident than driving intoxicated.
  • It slows your brake reaction speed by 18% (Human Factors & Ergonomics Society)
  • Leads to a 400% increase of time with eyes off the road
What if one of those people killed each week...was your best friend? Your sister? Your neighbor? What if you were one of the people that accidentally killed someone? Do you think it would be worth reading or sending whatever text you were preoccupied with?

How many people have to die before this issue is taken seriously?

Ways you can make a difference: stop doing it, talk to your teens or your friends about not doing it,  re-blog this post, tweet about it, start a discussion, vote for laws that prohibit this dangerous practice.



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