So Much for Networking

 Last night I branched out. I went to a TCU alumni event at Top Golf.

But it didn't quite go as I had hoped.

Upon describing it to my friends, I said that it was "very TCU."

They were like, "what the heck does that mean?" means that people were cordial, they'd talk to you when you were in line for food, but other than that, there was little to no mingling. Everyone just stuck with the people they came with. They used it as an opportunity to get a huge discount on a cool venue - not hang out.

It's just like being on campus at TCU. People are there, they're nice-ish, they'll talk to you if you engage them, but there's also this "coldness." Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my college...but for the most part, the people there are detached, hyper-beautiful, party mongers.

I mean...holy's no wonder that my dating life at TCU was non-existent. I'm not a size two model, compared to TCU's standards, I might even be considered "homely." The level of superficiality is sad. Did any guy care that I'm loyal to a fault, quick-witted, morally sound, Christian, creative and artistic? Nah...I wasn't 5"9 and blonde. I didn't party. I didn't wear an XXL shirt as a dress.

The golf thing was no different. And a lot of people there brought their spouses. Which is fine, but if you're just gonna stick with who you came with, what's the point? Where's the mingling?

I brought my Baylor friend with me, and even she noticed the level of icy detachment. I think she felt bad for me that I went to a school that was like that 24/7. She promptly invited me to come with her to her next Baylor mixer.

It's depressing. I'm depressed.

How am I ever going to meet a guy?

If mixers aren't for mixing and no one in my generation has the balls to walk up to someone else and say "hey!" For crap sake, we went to the same damn college! It's not like we don't have anything in common!

My generation doesn't know what dating is. Guys don't ask for dates, they ask for hook-ups. Socially awkward internet dwellers can barely keep up a normal human conversation. I just don't even know what to do with myself.

What are the odds of me finding an intelligent Christian guy with an actual job? A real, grown-up job. Who is ambitious and intuitive. I mean...shoot...I'm not asking for a model or a CEO, just a regular guy who gives two craps about the people around him.

I've all but given up on guys in my generation - with their self-centered focus and complete lack of empathy.

I know that I'm making a lot of generalizations here...but please...prove me wrong! I'd love to hear about a single Christian man in his twenties who is cultured, empathetic, intelligent, morally sound and looking for a long-term relationship with substance.

So much for networking. So much for mingling. So much for trying.

*Bangs head on desk*

PS I had a lot of fun with my Baylor friend, so it's not like the night was a total loss or anything. It's just...sad. Sad that these modelesque indifferent people are ... "my people."

PSPS Top Golf is awesome.


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