Eighth Grade Essay Prompt and Example

Here is an example of a timed write (one class period) in which students practice crafting essays.

Prompt: Write about a time when you had to convince someone to do something.
+ Make sure you have a hook that gets readers interested in your story
+ What techniques did you use to persuade them
+ Describe the circumstances around your story
+ What were the results after you persuaded them
+ What descriptive details and vocabulary can you use to bring your writing to life?
+ Make sure you have an introduction, a few body paragraphs and a conclusion
+ Don't forget to indent for each new paragraph

Teacher's Sample Essay:

Horned Frog for Life

     It wasn't until I was standing among the tulips at TCU looking out upon the campus that I realized I had the power of persuasion. Texas Christian University was my dream college, and if I hadn't sent one very persuasive email to the admissions office, I may never have gotten in.
     During winter break of 2006, most of my friends had heard back from the colleges they applied to, but I hadn't. Apparently my having attended two different high schools had confused TCU's admissions office. I waited months to hear from them and called them several times.
      Finally I got ahold of an admissions officer's email address and I knew that I only had one shot to convince them to let me in. So I sat in front of my computer for at least an hour and crafted a carefully worded email that would hopefully work in my favor.
      In that email I explored my attributes and let them know that I was talented, passionate, and dedicated to perfecting whatever I pursued. I also informed them that TCU was my first choice school and that they needed to give me an answer about my acceptance soon, even if that answer was "no." It was a gutsy move, but it paid off.
      The email I received in reply applauded my tenacity and less than two weeks later, I received my official letter of acceptance. I spent the next four years being grateful that I had the courage to write that email and being thankful that it persuaded the right person into opening the doors to my dreams.

*Tougher vocabulary words are highlighted so that students may look them up.


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