Pee Dammit

I yawn
Parker barks
Parker rings the bells
I take him outside to pee
He doesn't pee
A human walks by
Man? Woman? I can't tell.
There is a ponytail and boobs.
Woman in a hoodie.
A car drives by.
Parker barks.
We go inside.

I lay down
Parker barks
Parker rings the bells
I take him outside to pee
A silver car goes by
The same ponytail human walks by
Parker eats a clump of dirt
We walk around
A different silver car goes by
The SAME ponytail hoodie human walks by
Parker sniffs the ground
He eats grass
He chases a cricket
A third silver car goes by
I wonder if she is a henchman for the illuminati
Or a stray "man in black"
I look for a portal or teleportation pad
I find none
Parker licks the ground
Parker doesn't pee
We go inside.


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