"ART" Part Deux

Okay, so I have fifteen minutes until Whose Line starts and I figured I should share more about my disturbing art history class...just incase you weren't already disturbed enough.
Don't forget that it is my personal view that none of this is art and the majority of these works are "abominable," and no, not like the snowman.
We'll start with the lesser disturbing and work our way up...take Acconci's "Trademarks" for example, where "the artist" sat naked in a gallery and proceeded to bite himself. Yes, I said bite himself. He bit wherever his mouth could reach and left "trademarks" all over his body. I'm not sure how he ended up in a gallery and not in a padded room.
Continuing on the theme of nudity...VALIE EXPORT (In Tap and Touch) took the mental scarring public by being in public with her upperbody encased in a cardboard box...that opened to the front...with drapes. She let strangers (dudes) reach in and touch her fun bags. Like TOTAL STRANGERS, like IN PUBLIC....what the shiz???
Ahhh and then there was Schneemann's "Eye Body," where an artist/hooker and had pictures taken of herself naked covered in various things like paint, glue, fur, feathers, garden snakes, glass and plastic...merging her "body" with the "background" or whatever...don't ask me, I don't get it.
And then there was "Meat Joy," think about the name of that for a second. Do you want to keep reading? Yes, yes you do. So...I think it was Schneemann again and she had all these ppl strip down to their underwear (it was illegal for them to be naked) and she had them roll around in red paint...while tossing in dead chickens. Yes, dead chickens.
How the f*** did I end up in this "art" class? I don't even know. I was TRICKED. The description of the course was "Art since 1945" come to find out the class is really MODERN art since 1960 and what we're covering right now doesn't even fall under modern art...I should know, I work in a Modern Art Museum!! Anyway, its the last class I need to finish my minor so I'm in it.
Crap, only three minutes till WHOSE LINE...
Okay, quickly...the last and MOST DISTURBING....I can't even put a pic up cause then I'd have to put up a warning before people see my blog...and I don't want to do that, so here's my verbal description.
"Interior Scroll" by Schneemann...yeah, she was one twisted chick. Take a moment to think about that title..."interior scroll."
Okay so this lady was on some sort of pedestool in a museum... IN A MUSEUM...naked, with mud on her body to represent her female oppression..or something..but that's not the disturbing part.
After reading from some sort of book or something she sets the book down, stands up, reaches inside her "tunnel of love" a.k.a. her va-jay-jay and pulls out a scroll of paper. She then reads from said scroll. Is this legal? Is it sanitary? WHY MUST I LEARN THIS SHIZ...................I mean, half of it isn't even on the test, she's just scarring us for fun at this point.
So there you have it...an upper level art class that has gone from boring post-modernist art to whatever the crap this crap is. Okay...Ryan is kissing Drew Carey's hand, I'm missing my nighttime show.
Just incase you didn't have enough ammunition for your therapist...your welcome.
OH and P.S. A museum still has the actual scroll she used........................................
Hahaha, so disturbing