Collegiate Truth

I have learned something about college; and unfortunately, it's that it can be really lonely.

Don't get me wrong, I have lots of friends, but college isn't the roller coaster of pure awesome that so many people make it out to be. And the more stressors that are present, the more of your time is taken up and the more time is taken up the lonelier you feel. Rushing from one thing to the next, from one class to the next from one internship to a class, from class to a job from jobs to interviews from interviews to sorority meetings. It's more like a roller coaster of ridiculousness that involves odd sleeping habits, poor eating habits and a constant struggle with parking, papers, tests, projects and lots of TUMS. My second most popular drink is Pepto Bismol and ZONE protein bars, Nilla Wafers and Yoplait are keeping me alive.

Anyway, so here I am, half-studying, half nursing an upset stomach and fully invested in watching this new episode of HOUSE M.D.

I'm not quite sure how people got through college without TV in the past. My parents love to remind me that they survived despite lacking television, cell phones, game systems and Angry Birds. Oh yeah and they're always talking about how they went to college in the snow belt and had to walk a million miles in 200 ft. of snow. Okay, so yeah that's an exaggeration.

It just really really blows being lonely. Why do people not call people anymore? Is Facebook chat it? I mean, I do have a cell phone...and skype...and I just don't get people who don't call people. And to cap off the of my roommates is moving out, which I found out today (and not from her).

Anyway, I think I've babbled on long enough-the long awaited and climactic ending of HOUSE is about to take place so I guess that for now I shall take whatever loneliness I have and douse it with well-written television series.


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