Texas Christian University

I go to Texas Christian University...and am proud to say so.
The actions of some do not define the mentality or actions of all. I personally have never done drugs, but am not surprised to learn that there's a problem in a college campus. There's a problem on every college campus...but TCU is being made an example of because we are a private Christian college.
The former journalist in me knows why this is being so publicized, the former journalist knows that this qualifies as a "good story." And that's a shame. There is a problem on every college campus with illegal substances...and the bigger the school, the more widespread the problem.
And here I sit a graduating Senior from a school that's all over the news. And yeah, it pisses me off that anyone would dare tarnish the name of such a great school. It pisses me off that so much has been thrown on Gary Patterson who has been nothing but an extraordinary coach working his heart out to get us on the map.
I don't understand what has gone on here. Coffee is the hardest drug I use. And personally I had no idea that this school had such a problem because I'm not in the same spheres as the "offenders." I'm in a Christian sorority and all I do in my spare time is read mystery novels, watch TV and draw. Was I blind to what was going on? Absolutely.
And listening today to one of my elderly professors say how this has deeply affected him really hurt. One thing I can't stand about "our" generation is the near sided approach they take with their actions. Not thinking about who it will affect.
All I can say is that this whole situation is unfortunate but 17 people arrested and the 80 something who failed drug tests pales in comparison to the 9,000 students who call TCU home. We are a Horned Frog nation of dedicated and intelligent students who refuse to let such an incident affect how we see Texas Christian University.
Horned Frog for now, Horned Frog forever.
Good football team, I am down with the Horned Frogs.