Sneaky Apple

Apple has really pissed me off this time.

Recently I jumped on the opportunity to replace my iPhone 4 with a 4S for just $25 at my local Radio Shack. It's a great deal, and not their fault that Apple has become a sneaky POPTART.

Little did I know that Apple DISABLED the 3G and EDGE capabilities on the 4S meaning that you have no other choice than to use 4G which significantly drains your battery.

Today I watched my phone go from 70% to 60% in like ten minutes. So naturally I went in search of turning on EDGE and low and behold it wasn't there!

Apple is really forcing the consumer's hand and decreasing their options by forcing 4G upon them. This will probably also mean that the phone won't last as long (lifespan wise) which means you'll need to replace it sooner....hmm....I wonder if that's a coincidence? I doubt it.

Anyway...I am sufficiently pissed off and daydreaming of the days when I had a Razr that needed charged like once every three days. You'd think the geniuses at Apple would be able to figure out a way to make their phones last longer!

It's all "high speed" this and "high speed" that but what good is high speed if your phone is dead because it ran out of battery?!?!?!



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