Birthday Post

I share too much, or so I've been told. I've been warned about internet creepers and creepers in general. But before my birthday, I like to look back at the past year and see what's been accomplished/what I'm grateful for. It's good to write this shit down now, before I forget it. 1) Landing two awesome jobs. One full time, one part time. My coworkers are awesome at my real job and at my less real job, I've learned that I've got what it takes to guide 50+ tipsy adults through a painting. 2) Getting published twice. Once in a poetry journal and once in "Review of My Cat," which you can buy HERE . 3) Having an online presence! My little baby blog surpassed 11,195 visitors this year! AND, a grand total of 48,475 have read my fanfiction, from last December to today. My favorite drawing from this year: My favorite painting from this year: 4) Being in a TV commercial and working at a place where there is an abundance of...