Closing Out 2014

Because it's fun for me, that's why!
I learned a lot in 2014, and some of those lessons learned were tough. As if I didn't trust people enough to begin with, my coworker at my last job snooped around my desk, read documents on my desk and told me we were never friends. Despite having invited her over to my house, bringing her cupcakes and asking her if she wanted to take breaks with us. I'm such a monster right? But you know what? It's all good, I wish only good things for all of my former coworkers.
Anyway, I left that job and advertising all together. I'm not sure if I'll return to advertising or not, but I have discovered a deep seeded love for teaching.
I busted my hump over the summer - going to eight hour alternative teaching classes and passing four teaching tests. Two of them were only a week apart. I have a good job, and I've made a ton of friends within the district. There are so many great teachers out here, and I am honored to be friends with a lot of them.
I went on a fantastic vacation to PA where I visited the Andy Warhol museum, hung out with family and was lucky enough to spend some time with my first kitty, Sweetie 1, before she passed away about four months later. She was 21! I will definitely miss her :(
My Dad got heart surgery, which was slightly terrifying. And I found out that his heart valve thingy is hereditary, so that is also slightly terrifying.
I also had some interesting relationship adventures this year. I've learned what I need in a potential mate, and I've also learned to trust people even less! (So basically I'm at 0% in trusting others). I dated a person who I thought was fantastic. But…he turned out to be…not great. I'm doing so well with my words right now, aren't I?
He was one of those people that tell you everything you want to hear, and then later you find out that they're not at all who you thought they were. He had no problem using people and breaking hearts, and in the end, he and I both realized that his youthful days of partying and commitment phobia were not over yet. So we parted ways.
That being said, I have a date tomorrow! With, what appears to be, a fantastic guy. So my fingers are crossed. Send me some good vibes, will ya?
I had an art show that kind of blew, but I learned a ton. I sold some art this year, and made too much art in general. I sent my children's book, my coloring book and my poetry anthology to a publisher, which is a feat in itself. And I continue to improve on my writing whenever I get the chance. In the past two years I've had over 100k readers of my online fiction, so that gives me some hope of being a legitimate writer one day. I was also published again in Review of My Cat! :D
Favorite day this year: Arriving in Pittsburgh for vacation/visiting Ft. Worth for the first time in 2 yrs.
Favorite experience this year: Taking those alternative teaching classes and making AWESOME new friends. Plus, I discovered how awesome city center is.
TV obsession of the year: The X-Files and Twin Peaks
Biggest Accomplishment: Deciding to change careers
Coolest Moment: Subbing for a class full of international students, I pronounced all their names right, and they were so blown away that they gave me an ovation.
Cutest Moment: This adorable little baby kindergartener was sent to my class because he kept flicking his sister. So I had a quick little chat with him about why that's not a good thing to do. SO CUTE and SO FUNNY.
Best movie of 2014: Edge of Tomorrow: Live, Die, Repeat and The Lego Movie
Favorite new restaurant: Grub Burger Bar - try the Lockhart Legend and the bourbon milkshake
Scariest Moment: When I got surgery on my hand in January
Best website: Well, this one of course!
Favorite book this year: Star Trek: Devil's Bargain
Valentines was great.
Seeing TCU play was FANTASTIC. Being back in the Fort was like coming home.
Does this pic really need a description?
Eating at Mellow Mushroom in FW
The Andy Warhol museum had Andy Warhol cookies, it was hilarious. Also, their gift shop is AMAZING.
One of my last classes I taught at Pinot's Palette. And that's not even the biggest class I'd ever had...
There is nothing better than hanging out with the elderly. We play bingo and have a blast.
In November I had the idea that we could do watercolor. I drew all the pics and they watercolored them in. It was such a great day.
Hanging out with friends.
FINALLY ate at Primanti Bros in Pittsburgh.
Some arts.
The Burgh.
My precious Sweetie I
Steelers are the AFC North Champs!!!!!
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