One Year
One year and two days ago I graduated. Hard to believe it's already been a year! What a crazy ride it's been. But I'm finally settled in with an incredible job and enjoying teaching art on the weekends as well. Here are some random photos - snippets from my post-grad life. (All works are copyright protected and cannot be reused or reproduced.)
This is the painting that I taught this past weekend. It's called "Winter" something...which is weird since the trees are full of foliage...
This is a ridiculously cute watercolor I'm still working on. The kid is pressed up to the glass looking into a candy store.
This was at work when I tossed my banana towards the trash. It was a sign saying "hang in there!"
Sketching is always fun :D Even more so since I recently purchased a beautiful drafting table!
My cat finally splurged on an iPad and is working on getting caught up with technology. She can't stop playing Angry Birds.
I actually finished this painting but I like the way it looked before it was done too.
Aw, Panda Express, how sweet!
Okay...I think Dove is advocating Pyromania.
Your cheesy puffs and compliments are wonderful Panda.
Me being goofy at Thanksgiving.
Did I mention that I was in a commercial! YEAH - it was awesome. The commercial ran on TV and in print. Talk about feeling like a Star :D
I just can't resist drawing SpongeBob, he's so expressive and I love it! :D This is the result of my lunchtime sketching fun.
I finished this painting literally yesterday. And I couldn't be more happy with how it turned out. The "lights" are fabric.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST...don't forget to follow the blog I write for work: and follow Star Furniture on Pinterest!
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