The Great Tuna-Tastrophe of 2013

It wasn't bad enough that I spilled some water this morning. No. I had to go and spill something much worse.

Today I thought, why notbe halthy? So I brought this little can of tuna in to have for lunch. It comes in a can inside a little plastic dome that also contains mayo, crackers and a spoon. But what's weird is that the metal lid on the tuna can is recessed into the can a little (so the lid doesn't sit flush with the lip of the can).

And there's this tab on it and a picture of someone pulling the tab to open the can. There is also CAN USE A CAN OPENER text all over the place. Well I'm at work - no can opener.

So I pull and I pull and I pull some more - it WILL NOT OPEN - until it did. The lid yanked off and the tuna can went flying across the room and finally rolled to a stop.

So I picked up shards of tuna off the floor and wiped down my desk chair mat and it still smells like tuna in here :/ And I share an office - so none of this humiliation was private.

So now my office reeks.

And I went to eat my tuna, and this is what greeted me:

So I ended up buying a sandwich at Murphy's Deli instead.



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