Eradicate Anxiety

Anxiety is more common than you may think. It is a nuisance that can alter how you live your life; it's annoying. And I've learned a few things about it that I thought I'd share with you.

Survival of the Anxious
A lot of people have a natural disposition towards anxiety. And guess's what helped us survive! Back in the caveman days your carefree buddy would lay outside looking at the stars while you worried about lions. He'd get eaten, and you'd carry on your family line. A lot of times, we are hyper-observant of not only ourselves but our environment as well. So stop thinking of anxiety as a plague and start thinking of it as an advantage.

 Is That all You've Got?
Many times, people get caught in a loop of anxiety because they are afraid of anxiety itself! It is such an uncomfortable thing (sweaty palms, obsessive thoughts, racing heart, imagining the worst) so we naturally want to avoid it at all costs! But then we can become worried about worrying! Stop the madness! You know what? Bring it on! When you're anxious ask yourself "is that all you've got?" Dive right in, stop trying to fight feeling anxious and be like...bring it on bitch! Put yourself back in control of your thoughts and feelings.

What Happens, Happens.
I know what you're header Liz, genius *rolls eyes*. But let me explain. At some point you MUST realize that control is an illusion. Nowadays we are so used to getting what we want, when we want it. We have pizza delivered, order products online, get instant feedback through social media. It gives us the illusion that we are in control (of life), but we're not!

Often, people feel anxiety at their lack of control - their feelings that they cannot alter a situation or themselves. But you need to realize that you haven't LOST control, you NEVER HAD IT. This is why I choose to put God in control. Whatever happens, happens and is a part of his plan. And quite frankly, I trust the creator of the universe (and me) to handle things, much more than I trust myself.

So no matter what happens, you have to make peace with the outcome. Being helpless can actually be freeing. You must go through life doing the very best you can, being the very best that you can and whatever situation you think you can't control, know that God is in control.

Play it out Once and Then Let it Go
It may make you feel better to sit down and really ask yourself "what's the worst that can happen?" And truly examine how plausible the things you've thought of are. Deep inside (whether you acknowledge it or not) you know the truth. You know that you can do that presentation, you know that you can get on that plane, you know that you can do so much more than you think you can.

Choose the Best Version of Yourself
You know that there is a moment where you choose to freak out more instead of calm down. Next time, choose to be a stronger version of yourself. Liz 2.0.

"Think of the best, strongest version of yourself and never tell its name to anyone else. . . whatever he (or scary situations) is/are doing to your warrior, he is not doing to you." 

That is a quote from perhaps my favorite show ever: The Mindy Project. I'm giving you homework right now. Pick a warrior name - and become that warrior in scary situations. (Mindy's was Beyonce Pad Thai) Realize that you have this strength within you; available to be pulled out in any situation.

Get Mad and Use Your Tools
Do you know what beats anxiety? Anger.

Get pissed off! No...I don't want to be worried. No I don't want to obsess. I don't want to let anxiety take five more minutes of my precious thought space. You f****** suck anxiety and I'm here to kick your teeth in.

Use distractions, use prayer, use conversation, use the tools that you have at your disposal to overcome the mind loop that anxiety plays on. It feeds on itself - so cut it off!

Believe It
Stay positive. Even you don't believe you can do it (beat anxiety) I'll believe for you. I believe in you. I know that we are wonderfully and beautifully made just as we are. And sometimes we are given mountains to climb so that we can grow as people. These obstacles (this anxiety) will (believe it or not) give you a greater sense of your self in the end, it will make you stronger, it will make you empathetic and relatable, it will make you who you were truly meant to become.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


  1. That was one of the best posts I've read about anxiety. Thank you so much!


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