Lick the Earth

The Same Poem in Many Forms - Form One - 

the dirt is done
it lays dead cracked and tired
beneath the orange red sun
that heaves hot breaths
onto an earth on fire

You drop your broken body
onto its breaking knees
sinking leather hands
onto the gasping ground
with flesh burning hot
you scrape your fingers across it
fingernails filling with brown
and the tears your forehead cries
shimmer like a spark
and fall without a sound
the earth drinks the water from your eyes
groaning beneath
the clear blue skies

you are the last in a line of a hundred fathers
with a shattering house full of starving daughters
and your stick bone horses had no fodder
with hollowed brown eyes and bone break bodies
they each fell slowly to the ground
swallowed by the very land to which your fate is bound

(The same poem (or rather, subject of the poem) will be written multiple times in various forms, this is form one)


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