Life is full of ups and downs, these are the ups.
Welcome to the family C.C. Man, it'll be hard to miss this bright blue on the road. While not enamored with the Ford dealer, the end result was worth it.
Because I have somehow managed to become a full-blown Trekkie...I used my art skills for the power of good and painted Spock (Zachary Quinto), and then the next day painted Kirk (Chris Pine). Both paintings were started and finished in the same weekend :D
Finding out that you're getting published never gets old. I can't believe that one of the poems I wrote for this very blog is ending up in a book :D
Painting plates never gets old. Seeing the finished product is always worth the hours spent meticulously painting small details.
I got this message literally today. I've never had a review make me feel so fantastic.
Man, I love to write <3 p="">3>
What a great trip. IKEA can really put on some cool events. Glad I got that first pic right before the sun set.
Getting this message totally made my day. If this blog made the tiniest difference in just one person's life, then it was (and is) totally worth it.
So those are some happy snippets from the recent past. Now if only the 'stang had a mini-fridge in it, my life would be complete :P
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