Closing Out 2014

Brace yourselves, it's time for the obligatory year-end blog post. But why should I bore you with tales of my life? Because it's fun for me, that's why! I learned a lot in 2014, and some of those lessons learned were tough. As if I didn't trust people enough to begin with, my coworker at my last job snooped around my desk, read documents on my desk and told me we were never friends. Despite having invited her over to my house, bringing her cupcakes and asking her if she wanted to take breaks with us. I'm such a monster right? But you know what? It's all good, I wish only good things for all of my former coworkers. Anyway, I left that job and advertising all together. I'm not sure if I'll return to advertising or not, but I have discovered a deep seeded love for teaching. I busted my hump over the summer - going to eight hour alternative teaching classes and passing four teaching tests. Two of them were only a week apart. I have a good job, and I...