Diary of a Stiller Fan

Who knew that a suggestion I made while I was at work would turn into a dream vacation? I was just fooling around on the internet and found some Steelers seats for the December 24th game against the Rams at Heinz Field. I mentioned it to my parents in a half joking manner and wrote it off as a wishful desire that probably wouldn't happen.

But it did! The next day my Dad booked the tickets and called me up to tell me we were going. I don't think I could have been any more excited!! If there's one thing I know it's that life is short and every opportunity you get to do something amazing; you should take it.

So on Christmas Eve I found myself looking out the window of our rental car and seeing the giant steel arms of Heinz Stadium reaching towards the sky. As soon as I sat down in seat 3 of 114 V and looked around I knew I was surrounded by "my people." The fans were friendly, the sun peeked around the passing clouds and the nipping cold made the excitement of the stadium reverberate in the air.

It was surreal.

All those times spent in front of the TV watching my football heroes...playing games, winning superbowl's and now here they were right in front of me. Polomalu's hair bounced off his jersey as he trotted into position, Mendenhall stretching up to catch the ball and the Rams falling further and further behind on the scoreboard. It was invigorating and exciting and the best Christmas gift I can imagine.

This was home. Pennsylvania is home. The rolling hills, the black and gold, the stretching bridges, the flecks of white flitting from the sky, the warm fires and cold nights, the shining stars and soaring trees, the familiar accents, time spent around the table with family, the Amish furniture and rich Stefanelli's Chocolate, the crunch of the snow beneath your boots and the rushing Steelers. There's no place like Pennsylvania.


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