The End of an Era
This ridiculous semester is almost over and I'm almost peeing myself with excitement at the prospect of leaving. But alas, here I sit in my empty apartment avoiding the unformed boxes that are staring at me from across the room. If you've ever moved (which you probably have) you know that moving is a bitch.
I've lived in 3 different states, 5 different cities, and have "moved into" a room about eight times. Being an artist you can imagine that I have a lot of shit to move. I am also an avid reader and lover of books so that means that I have even more shit to move. OH and I love xbox and games and movies and full season collections of my favorite get the idea, a lot of stuff.
And the campus is errily quiet and I get to spend all day reading on Facebook about how all my friends have already left and are comfortably situated at home. It really hit me how empty campus was when I could actually find a parking spot today on campus, and in a prime location.
Anyway, so here I sit surrounded by my crap looking forward to leaving, probably more than I would look forward to buying a new flavor of Ben & Jerry's (and that's saying alot).
What's more stressful than finals week you ask? Finals week and moving. That's what.
You know what's more stressful than finals and moving? Finals and moving and repacking and going on vacation. I mean, I'm super psyched but it's even more stress. All this talk of stress has me wanting some bourbon but that's one of the perks of being in a nearly empty apartment...all out of everything. I'm thinking about eating cereal for dinner and it's 10:00. Good thing Chelsea Lately's on.
Okay enough babbling, this post was supposed to be about my semester. And it was a CRAZY ONE. A plate of hefty classes topped off with an internship. The last time I DIDNT have an internship was half a year ago. I'm ready to kickback next semester and laugh at all the poptarts who have to leave campus and can't find a place to park when they get back.
I mean, it makes sense to punish the go-getters who actually have jobs, does't it? Good thing they took out that parking lot to build a building that no one ever visits.
So everyday I'd run from class to work etc. Occasionally changing in the bathroom at Panera or Starbucks, but so goes the life of a badass.
I had to build a 40 page website in less than a week, learned how to build apps, write a kick ass press release, got published again, got the award for "Best Artist" by the newspaper, went to a masquerade ball, a winter formal, a ton of dinners, had the best birthday dinner ever even though my birthday happens to fall on one of the busiest weeks of the semester, had the most amazing internship I could hope for with a one mile commute, went to an awesome Christmas party, was surrounded by the coolest people and the coolest sorority girls and despite all the ridiculousness of the semester it wasn't half bad.
But THANK GOD its over.
I know so many people who are freaking out about graduating in a semester but not me! Hand me that diploma and rent me a UHAUL. The world is my oyster. Well...I don't like the world is my donut.
I am young, ridiculously good looking (especially if you squint), vibrant, funny, full of obscure cultural references and ready to go forth and spread my awesomness. I can travel the world, or move to my favorite city. I can finish my novels or illustrate the childrens books I've written, I can open a gallery and become a professional illustrator. I can dive into advertising or plunge into PR. I can get a dog, or ten dogs. I could live on a mountain and wear suspenders and yell RICOLA!!!!! There's a great big world out there and its filled with chocolate and possibilities.
I've lived in 3 different states, 5 different cities, and have "moved into" a room about eight times. Being an artist you can imagine that I have a lot of shit to move. I am also an avid reader and lover of books so that means that I have even more shit to move. OH and I love xbox and games and movies and full season collections of my favorite get the idea, a lot of stuff.
And the campus is errily quiet and I get to spend all day reading on Facebook about how all my friends have already left and are comfortably situated at home. It really hit me how empty campus was when I could actually find a parking spot today on campus, and in a prime location.
Anyway, so here I sit surrounded by my crap looking forward to leaving, probably more than I would look forward to buying a new flavor of Ben & Jerry's (and that's saying alot).
What's more stressful than finals week you ask? Finals week and moving. That's what.
You know what's more stressful than finals and moving? Finals and moving and repacking and going on vacation. I mean, I'm super psyched but it's even more stress. All this talk of stress has me wanting some bourbon but that's one of the perks of being in a nearly empty apartment...all out of everything. I'm thinking about eating cereal for dinner and it's 10:00. Good thing Chelsea Lately's on.
Okay enough babbling, this post was supposed to be about my semester. And it was a CRAZY ONE. A plate of hefty classes topped off with an internship. The last time I DIDNT have an internship was half a year ago. I'm ready to kickback next semester and laugh at all the poptarts who have to leave campus and can't find a place to park when they get back.
I mean, it makes sense to punish the go-getters who actually have jobs, does't it? Good thing they took out that parking lot to build a building that no one ever visits.
So everyday I'd run from class to work etc. Occasionally changing in the bathroom at Panera or Starbucks, but so goes the life of a badass.
I had to build a 40 page website in less than a week, learned how to build apps, write a kick ass press release, got published again, got the award for "Best Artist" by the newspaper, went to a masquerade ball, a winter formal, a ton of dinners, had the best birthday dinner ever even though my birthday happens to fall on one of the busiest weeks of the semester, had the most amazing internship I could hope for with a one mile commute, went to an awesome Christmas party, was surrounded by the coolest people and the coolest sorority girls and despite all the ridiculousness of the semester it wasn't half bad.
But THANK GOD its over.
I know so many people who are freaking out about graduating in a semester but not me! Hand me that diploma and rent me a UHAUL. The world is my oyster. Well...I don't like the world is my donut.
I am young, ridiculously good looking (especially if you squint), vibrant, funny, full of obscure cultural references and ready to go forth and spread my awesomness. I can travel the world, or move to my favorite city. I can finish my novels or illustrate the childrens books I've written, I can open a gallery and become a professional illustrator. I can dive into advertising or plunge into PR. I can get a dog, or ten dogs. I could live on a mountain and wear suspenders and yell RICOLA!!!!! There's a great big world out there and its filled with chocolate and possibilities.

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