
I undid the chain
That held me together
But pulled me down
I severed the ties
And in darkness did rise
Not looking down
Not looking back
At the weight sinking to the ground
What a feeling it is to lack
The one thing that held me down
“You’re no hero,” I think
As I swim towards the light
And you begin to sink
Into the darkness
Into the depths
Of intense obscurity
No longer a harness
Tripping my steps
I want to erase you
From every part of me
I want to un-know your name
And forget every word
Forget every game
Cut my losses and let you go
If there is one thing that I know
It is that I am strong enough
To practice the art of letting go
With each second you fade further
I ascend higher
Leaving you to rest in the mud and mire
In the forgotten depths where you belong
Like a sunken treasure without a song
Cold and silent in the dark
A victim of anger, ego and spite
I leave you to rest in the cold dark night
In the muscled arms of the freezing ocean
A silent grave of past devotion
I breathe in the air and the light
I drop you on the ocean’s shelf
And I leave you to your biggest fan…
-Photo by Mark Mawson-
Incredible poem