Never Even Here

You have a crystal heart
In a carbon cage
Ribs of branches
And eyes of sage

Leaves creak beneath
Tepid steps
On blistered feet

Into the midday
That looks more like night
A huddled mass of dense gray overhead
Chokes out all the light

The mumblings of the river bed
Seem to speak your name
And in this claustrophobic expanse
Every landmark looks the same

Smell the smoke from somewhere
Pulling from the ground and rising in the air
It hangs on your lungs like a fur coat
Winter. Hunger. And the beginnings of Despair.

Keep moving
Keep walking
Break the ice off frigid limbs
Keep hoping
Keep talking
Through the woods and whipping winds

Each breath explodes and falls away
Snapped twigs get lost and tramped
Dropped items drift with each wind blow
And every single boot print you've stamped
Disappears beneath the heavy snow


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