The Advertising Alphabet

A is for Advertising
B is for Brochure
C is for Copywriter
D is for Designer
E is for Email
F is for Filing collateral
G is for Graphic Designers
H is for Html
I is for Internet Marketing
J is for Jack Daniels
K is for Killer Idea!
L is for Loneliness
M is for Meetings
N is for Notebooks full of crap
O is for Office Relations
P is for Pitching to the Client
Q is for Quark
R is for Releases, Press
S is for Submitting ads
T is for Turmoil
U is for Uncooperative Adobe
V is for Venting
W is for Words, Words, and more Words...maybe even Microsoft Word
X is for Xerox
Y is for Y ME?
Z is for ZZZZZZZ

*This content is copyrighted and belongs to Elizabeth R. Rector. (So no stealing bitches!)


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